
To be eligible to participate applicants must meet the following criteria:
2. Dallas County is the primary geographic focus of the Fund with special attention to charitable projects which involve Rotary Club of Park Cities volunteers. However, grants may be made to other worthwhile projects outside of Dallas County.
3. Grantees are encouraged to wait twenty-four months before submitting subsequent grant proposals after receiving a grant.
Types of Grants Awarded
Grants awarded by the Foundation can support program needs, capital projects or operating expenses. The Foundation does not make grants to support fund raising events such as annual dinner auctions or galas. Individual grants are generally in amounts of less than $5,000.
Requests that meet the following criteria may receive priority consideration for potential funding from the Foundation’s grant dollars:
· Collaborative projects that provide greater leverage for philanthropic investments.
· Requests that address a particularly timely need.
· Programs and initiatives that offer innovative or creative solutions to key community challenges in the North Texas region.
· Requests which are consistent with the strategic priorities of the RCPC.
Application Process
Complete applications must be received electronically by 5:00 PM CST. The Executive Committee meets quarterly and application deadlines for the following month’s meeting are January 20, April 20, July 20 and October 20. Applications received after the deadlines will be considered for the following quarter. Applications submitted by facsimile or mail will not be accepted. Applicants will be notified if the Foundation would like more information about the funding request. Executive Team recommendations require confirmation by the RCPC Board of Directors and Communities Foundation of Texas.
1. Grant Purpose Definitions (Section III.8)
a. Seed/Pilot funding: innovations/start-up funding
b. Project/Program support: a specific project/program within your organization
c. Capacity Building: creating more, higher quality and/or more sustainable services
d. Capital: equipment, computers, etc.
e. General Operating support: day-to-day costs of running your organization
2. Performance Measures (Section IV.1) – Please provide which data/information will be collected and how (surveys, test scores, media attention, awards, longitudinal studies, etc.).
3. Goals (Section IV.7) - Measurable statements of activities proposed in the grant request. When appropriate, please include a date for the goal to be accomplished when writing your goals. In most cases, baseline data (i.e., the current or starting level) should also be included. Exceptions include, but are not limited to, funding for a new program.
Goals can be listed as:
a. Outputs: Direct products of the activities proposed - usually measured in terms of volume of work accomplished – for example, number of people served; and/or
b. Outcomes: Benefits or changes to individuals, families, communities, etc. resulting from program participation – for example, percentage of individuals with a 50% or better reduction in their symptoms.
Goals without baseline data:
1. To serve 1,300 people in 2014.
2. To raise $50,000 in additional funding by 12/31/2014.
3. To implement the proposed program by 12/31/2014.
Goals with baseline data:
1. To increase the number of children and adults served from 1,300 to 1,600 by 12/31/2014.
2. To increase the number of programs offered per year from 5 to 10 by 12/31/2014.
3. At least 75% of participants diagnosed with depression will show a 50% or better reduction in their symptoms.