Together we packed 10,945 pounds of canned goods, equivalent to 9,120 MEALS for families, children, and seniors who are food insecure in our community!
RCPC member and dentist, Dr. Michael Rainwater reported that Dentistry with a Heart" celebrated it's 12th year on October 5th, 2024, providing $ 35,690.00 of dentistry to improve the lives of our patients and provide an opportunity for all volunteers to make a difference. The team treating 26 patients from the Salvation Army Adult Rehabilitation Center and Agape Clinic, for basic dental services of extractions, fillings and cleanings.
Wanting to build literacy and foster a love of reading, the latest cohort of RCPC’s Legacy of Leadership program chose as its capstone project the placement of a custom wrapped Book Vending Machine in the Jack Lowe, Sr. Elementary School in the Dallas ISD.